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NRD at a Glance

NRD charitable trust is a leading provider of services for people with disabilities in the Rhine-Main Area. As a member of the social welfare organization of Germany’s protestant churches, NRD advocates inclusion and the right of its clients to independence and self-determination.

NRD operates in the federal states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. Approximately 2,600 employees in more than 50 locations offer a wide variety of professional services, including

  • residential and supported living services for people with disabilities
  • specialist person-centred support in rural and urban settings
  • advice and guidance on the challenges people with disabilities and their families face
  • sheltered workshops for workers with disabilities
  • children’s aid services including kindergartens, family counseling and residential child care
  • care for the elderly
  • employment for people with disabilities in companies that are specialized in bringing together employers with and without disabilities

NRD is an acronym for “Nieder-Ramstädter Diakonie”. The term refers to the South-Hessian community of Nieder-Ramstadt where the organization was founded in 1898. “Diakonie” is the name of the social welfare organization of Germany’s Protestant churches.


© Stiftung Nieder-Ramstädter Diakonie
Kommunikation, Marketing und Fundraising
Bodelschwinghweg 5
64367 Mühltal

06151 / 149-2525
06151 / 144117


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Menschen mit Behinderung brauchen Ihre Hilfe!

  • Inklusion...

    ... finde ich sehr gut. Wenn Kinder von Anfang an zusammen sind und nicht auseinandersortiert werden, gewöhnen sich alle aneinander und können lernen, sich gegenseitig zu helfen. 

    Horst Enzmann
Stiftung Nieder-Ramstädter Diakonie

© Stiftung Nieder-Ramstädter Diakonie
Bodelschwinghweg 5  -  64367 Mühltal  -  Tel.: (06151) 149-0  -  Fax: (06151) 144117  -  E-Mail: info@nrd.de

Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft


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